Glaucoma: Cómo proteger su vista

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El glaucoma tiene la mala fama de ser ‘el ladrón silencioso de la vista’: los tipos más comunes no dan señales de advertencia mientras destruyen lenta y progresivamente la visión de la persona. Debido a que usualmente la visión se ve afectada primero en los lados, los pacientes notan muy poco, o incluso nada. Para cuando el individuo se da cuenta que algo anda mal, ya puede haber habido un daño considerable.

¿Por qué escribir un libro al respecto? ¿Y por qué dedicarlo a todos los pacientes con glaucoma, a sus parientes y amigos, a la comunidad en general, así como a los oftalmólogos, otros médicos y profesionales del cuidado médico ocular que deseen familiarizarse con el manejo de este grupo de enfermedades?

Dejado a sus anchas, el glaucoma causa ceguera. No respeta ni sexo ni nivel educativo; ignora la riqueza y el privilegio. No tenemos una cura para él y no podemos revertir el daño que ha causado. El glaucoma afecta al 2% de las personas que tienen más de 40 años. No es raro. Es la causa más común de discapacidad visual irreversible y prevenible en todas partes.

Pero la mayor parte del tiempo podemos controlarlo. La protección exitosa de la vista depende en parte de cuánto daño ya haya causado al ser detectado por primera vez y qué tan agresiva es la enfermedad en el paciente individual. Por lo que, mientras más temprano se detecte, menos daño habrá causado y mejores perspectivas tendrá a largo plazo.

La detección temprana requiere comunidades informadas cuyos miembros busquen someterse a exámenes de vista, así como profesionales del cuidado ocular que reconozcan los sutiles signos de advertencia y agenden la confirmación oftalmológica oportuna y el inicio del tratamiento efectivo. Esto requiere acceso a un buen sistema de salud. Incluso en sociedades desarrolladas, cerca del 50% de los pacientes con glaucoma no han sido diagnosticados y no están en tratamiento. La mitad de estas personas no diagnosticadas no han consultado con un proveedor de cuidado médico ocular en los últimos dos años.

Deseamos iluminar a nuestros lectores con información de calidad para minimizar la discapacidad visual causada por el glaucoma.

Ivan Goldberg
Remo Susanna Jr.

1. Introducción
2. Cuidado mejorado
3. Los siete ‘pecados’ del glaucoma
4. El tratamiento del glaucoma
5. Los mitos más comunes sobre el glaucoma
6. Otros tipos de glaucoma que vale la pena conocer
7. El glaucoma y la catarata
Apéndice 1: Cómo aplicar las gotas oculares
Apéndice 2: Cómo practicar la mejor prueba de campo visual
Lecturas adicionales
Acerca de los autores
Preguntas frecuentes
Índice de palabras clave

This is an excellent well written book which fills a great unmet need in glaucoma education for patients. It is easy to read, full of important information and a must for people with glaucoma and their families but also of great wider general interest. I highly commend this book.

This impressive, well written, highly practical and timely book is a necessary read for people afflicted with glaucoma, as well as their relatives and friends. For a novice, on whom this critical topic has just been imposed upon, it covers virtually all complex health and medical issues that are necessary to control, or at least to slow down, the negative effects of this debilitating disease. Even health professionals with a solid knowledge of glaucoma would likely learn something new.

As explained in the Preface, glaucoma is not that rare, afflicting 2% of people over 40. The most common types of glaucoma give no warning that this sneaky disease slowly but increasingly destroys person’s vision. By the time one recognizes that something is wrong, it is irreversible and there is no known cure. But this book also offers hope. With early detection and aggressive treatment the damage can often be slowed down. For patients and health care workers, the book provides vital information on how glaucoma blindness can be prevented or treated.

In Chapter 2 ‘Improved care’, demonstrates that even in advanced countries, like Sweden or the US, the depressing statistics for glaucoma blindness has not changed much within the last 40 years. This book is aimed at enhancing understanding and assisting in a meaningful interaction between patients and their physicians. The authors believe that this situation could substantially improve with more patients’ knowledge and initiative to become involved in their own care.

Chapter 3 cover in much details ‘seven deadly sins’ that can contribute to visual disability from glaucoma, namely non diagnosis; failure to recognize progressive damage; inaccurate diagnosis (as the same term in fact covers various diseases that are sometimes difficult to differentiate and hence properly treat); failure to treat aggressively more severe phases of disease; insufficient reduction in the eye pressure; treatment delays (in some cases glaucoma might evolve quite rapidly); and neglecting the treatment.

Even though reducing eye pressure often slows the disease’s progression, regretfully a large share of patients often abandons or uses irregularly tedious and expensive ongoing treatments. Also covered are risk factors due to gender, genetic variations for various populations, family history (for persons with a close relative afflicted by glaucoma, the risk of having glaucoma increases ten-fold!), as well as certain medical conditions, like high-blood pressure or diabetes, and use of some medications. Regretfully, sometimes no treatment can help a particular patient or even an experienced clinician might be deceived by the course of this disease.

The book provides clear explanations and numerous colored illustrations that demonstrate the complex physiology of glaucoma. It explains modern diagnostic tests, as well as charts and equipment typically used for glaucoma treatment within developed countries. As the book rightfully says, glaucoma patients require more precise and agile ongoing monitoring testing methods. There is an acute need for simple, flexible and accurate continual monitoring of the intraocular pressure (IOP) of glaucoma sufferers. In particular, we should be on lookout for inventors who can develop a technology capable of being used at home by the patients themselves, without the intervention of medical staff. Such a device should monitors IOP 24 hours per day over several days and, ideally, not require direct contact with patient’s eyes, while being cost-effective.

Chapter 4 covers glaucoma treatment, such as various types of medications, laser surgery, possible complications and procedures. Chapter 5 answers frequently asked questions; whereas chapters 6 and 7 is dedicated to relevant physiological conditions. Useful appendices give pragmatic step by step advice on how to administer eye drops or to prepare for the visual field test.

Overall, this valuable book is a ‘must have’ reference both for the patients and health experts. Its only shortcoming is the lack of electronic edition that could be read to visually impaired patients by their electronic gadgets or being translated on the fly to many non English speaking readers.

*Goldmann’s latest book is ‘Effective Decision Making: A Primer in Information Retrieval’

A diagnosis of glaucoma can be a confusing time. The eye health professional and the person with glaucoma can be thrust into a complex ‘information dance’ with much information being provided at the time when it can be least absorbed. The clinician thinks “I’ve done my job” whilst the patient’s take home message is “what did they say about glaucoma, will I go blind?”

Glaucoma: How to Save Your Sight! is a book written for such a time. It provides quality information to assist the person with glaucoma to understand their disease whilst dispelling some of the myths that may de-rail a successful treatment outcome of minimizing visual disability from glaucoma. I recommend this book to those wanting an in-depth understanding of the disease process and what they can do to enhance their own glaucoma patient journey.

Additional information

Weight 290 g
Dimensions 21 × 14 cm






Publication Year

2016 (18-7-2016)